Hi there! Well, I actually learned it two days ago but it seems that the 26 September is quite an interesting day. It's the European Day of Languages so I just couldn't miss this event on my blog. Here you are then: the name of the European Union written in all the 23 official languages here below. Yes, there are 23 official languages and 27 seven members for those interested. There are also three candidate countries and you'll find the translation into these languages below as well! Have fun! And learn!:D:D;D
Европейски съюз (Evropeyski sayuz; Bulgarian)
Evropská unie (Czech)
Den Europæiske Union (Danish)
Europese Unie (Dutch)
European Union (English)
Euroopa Liit (Estonian)
Euroopan unioni (Finnish)
Union européenne (French)
Europäische Union (German)
Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση (Eurōpaïkí Énōsī; Greek)
Európai Unió (Hungarian)
An tAontas Eorpach (Irish)
Unione Europea (Italian)
Eiropas Savienība (Latvian)
Europos Sąjunga (Lithuanian)
Unjoni Ewropea (Maltese)
Unia Europejska (Polish)
União Europeia (Portuguese)
Uniunea Europeană (Romanian)
Európska únia (Slovak)
Evropska unija (also Evropska zveza) (Slovene)
Unión Europea (Spanish)
Europeiska unionen (Swedish)
The 3 candidate countries:
Europska unija (Croatian)
Европска Унија (Evropska Unija; Macedonian)
Avrupa Birliği (Turkish)
Added by request (thank you for your comment Bill Chapman):
Eŭropa Unio (Esperanto)
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_of_the_European_Union